Saxons Chain Mail Reaction – Si Newby to Arran Arbuckle S1 E9

Episode 9 of our 2022/23 season’s weekly ‘Saxons Chain Mail Reaction’ interview.

S1 E9 – Si Newby grills best mate Arran Arbuckle 

  • What is your name?
AA: Arran Arbuckle
  • Where were you Born?
AA: Chester
  • What’s your real job?
AA: Taxi driver
  • What was your first job?
AA:C and C builders
  • What’s your dream job?
AA: England manager
  • Apart from Saxons, what other team do you support?
AA: Liverpool
  • What is your position at the club & associated team?
AA: U11s Cwens Girls Coach
  • What made you get involved at Saxons?
AA: Lee Conchie and Poppy-Bella
  • If you could be anyone else in the world who would it be and why?
AA: I’d be Boxing MC Michael Buffer cause he travels the world and gets to watch all the big boxing matches
  • What do you like to do in your spare time?
AA: Sleep 😴
  • Do you have any Pets?
AA: Yes a dog
  • What’s your favourite meal?
AA: A roast dinner
  • What superhero do you think describes you best?
AA: Thor………when he was fat!
  • If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
AA: Japan to experience their culture
  • What’s your favourite song at the minute?
AA: Kenny Rogers – Gambler
  • If you could change anything at all levels in football what would it be?
AA: I think professional clubs should have more players from local towns in their area
  • If Hollywood made a film of your life who would you want to play you?
AA: Chris Hemsworth
  • What are the top 3 things left on your bucket list?
AA: Travel the world, complete Route 66 and watch a big fight in Vegas
  • What do you wish more people understood about you?
AA: Absolutely nothing.
  • Red or Brown sauce?
AA: Red
  • Who are you going to interview next week to keep the Saxons Chain Mail Reaction going?
AA: I’m going to interview U8s Coach Robbie Gibbons

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