Chairman’s New Year Note

January 2021 – A View from the Chairman
The dedication of the coaches, managers, parents and the children who pushed against all odds enabled the season to get under way after a fashion. Whilst securing various training locations and precuring Saxons ‘Herefeld’ Pewithall Primary School site, Saxons has quickly become a multi team club.
Notwithstanding, the obvious interruption due to Covid 19 which has caused lots of various issues, it has in my opinion only highlighted the need to provide an outlet for Runcorn girls and boys to play football for both physical and social reasons.
In autumn our Development Officers showed what Saxon’s are capable of and moved quickly to assemble an environment to provide a group of U9 boys who had never played football before with a fantastic FA qualified young coach, a place in the Warrington junior league and a smart new playing kit. Belated welcome U9 ‘HYSEAS’ manager/coach Rory Fossett who is currently studying a JMU Sports degree.
We also successfully recruited Tom Pennie an experienced coach to perform a role as Football Development Mentor. Tom has been providing support, guidance and cover to all team coaches and is looking forward to get going again.
Current situation
At the time of writing we are in lockdown and would expect to be so until at least mid-February.
The club on the whole looks to be on stable ground, the committee has been expanded and parent reps are in place for each team. Training is on hold as are all matches. It remains to be seen what the FA will decide but I would hope that they would want to see some sort of completion towards a resolution of leagues and cup competitions.
Looking forward
I have attended at least one or two games concerning all of our teams. The enthusiasm of all the children taking part is very uplifting. The support from the coaches and parents is always fantastic, may it long continue.
When conditions allow we must start to pull our teams together and become a true family club going forward. Getting some social events for children and parents alike is something I think we all deserve.
At the time of the next scheduled meeting, hopefully the world may be a safer place and football will have resumed. On a positive note the cold wet Saturday and Sundays may be behind us!
We should still remember that Saxons have come a long way and achieved a great deal in a short space of time. Let’s ride this out safely and bear in mind that every storm cloud runs out of rain eventually.
Yours in sport
John Carney – Chairman – Runcorn Saxons FC –