Runcorn Wildcats Centre Granted 2020 FA Licence – Girls Beginner Sessions

Runcorn Saxons FC are pleased to announce that their Runcorn Wildcats Centre has today been approved and granted a Wildcats licence by the FA to operate a centre on behalf of Liverpool County FA in Runcorn.
What is Wildcats?
FA Wildcats football centres offer girls aged 5-11 a chance to try football for the first time and provide regular opportunities to play.
Sessions take place every week at over 1,250 SSE Wildcats centres across the country and are focused on helping girls make friends, have fun and be active through football.
All sessions are delivered by FA qualified coaches providing a safe place for girls to try football for the first time and develop key football skills.
You can find Runcorn Wildcats Centre on Facebook @RuncornWildcats or contact us on 07876752868.
Huge congratulations to our dedicated team and our male and female coaches for making this happen, looking forward to April.
If you want to volunteer at the centre please contact us and we’ll ask our centre lead to contact you to discuss how you can get involved.
Is your daughter footy mad and can’t wait until April 2020 for Runcorn Wildcats Centre to begin don’t panic!!
Why not contact us for information on our current Runcorn Saxons girls football development sessions that are run weekly on 07903950318. Subsidised by the club these introduction sessions are specifically for the creation of new Runcorn Saxons FC teams for September 2020 leagues.
#SaxonsAreComing #WeOnlyDoPositive #FemaleFriendlyClubs #GirlsCan